Mon 27 Jan
💌The Girl Next Door❤Upscale Blonde With A Highly Addictive Mouth🎀Real and Reviewed💋(803)295-1558 - 26
(Columbia, Columbia SC)
Sweet Southern Comfort.. *Located in Anderson!* Specials and Up Late!* - 38
(Greenville, Anderson Exit 19 A)
🎀 (SuGaR 💎oN⇑ ToP!)💋 (803) 🐞999 ♑(85💜73)💅 (#1)💦 ProVideR💯 iN🍏 (CoLuMbiA) 🌺#8O3👍 - 25
** ** ** ** ** Thick or Petite???? You Can Have It Your Way!!! The Choice is yours** ** ** ** ** ** - 23
(Columbia, GreyStone I 126)
Trinidadian BLONDE Bombshell :~:~: Sweet Slice of HEAVEN With A DYNAMITE Personality :~:~: - 25
(Columbia - Incall/Outcall)
Thanks for a wonderful visit Columbia - Lea, The Private Assistant - 43
(Columbia, Returning soon ~ 250hr)
**SpIcY LaTiN MaMaSiTa** *((Sexy & Seductive)) **Im WaItInG - 21
(Columbia, Columbia, South Carolina (Broad River))
Tired of fake pics? ANGEL'S here 😇Your Sexy Sweet Student 😉 whod love to be tuaght a lesson 🔥🎀 C - 20
(Columbia, Two notch rd)
textin/talkin n maybe hangout - w4m - 25
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, Myrtle Beach, everywhere)
°·° Sweeter & Softer then your Wildest Imagination ... Freakiest of Tha Freaks! Specials ALL day!! - 25
(Columbia, greystone in only)
♥♥♥ SUNDAY NEED RENT SPecials ♥$40 $40 $40 ♥ ♥ ♥ unrushed ,sweet ,EASY going southern blonde ♥☆♥♥ - 27
(Greenville, right off interstate 85 greenville)
⚠SuGaR💎 (8O3📲 9998573) 💦SuGaR 💜SuGaR🌺 HoW'd🌞 yOu💚 GeT🐞 sO🍆 fLy🚀 RaTeS😍 are🎲 NeGotiAbLe💲 - 25
★• _T_H_E •☆• _F_U_N_ •★• S_T_A_R_T S •☆• H_E_R_E •★• W_H_Y • ★ • W_A_I_T - 21
(Myrtle Beach, Myrtle Beach and Surrounding Areas)
🌼SUMTER🌼🎀Forget The Rest Come See The Best🍒 😚Gentlemen don't settle for less💋💎 - 19
(Columbia, Sumter)
Sugar 🐞HuRRy🏃the🍑 Best✅ Choice 🎀 With 🐤An 💦Unforgettable 😍Experience 💚 Hh/Hr💎 iNcaLl 💞 - 25
⇩SeXY⇩ SuPer HoT ⇩ REAL⇩ StuNNiNg BeauTy - 23
(Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, INCALL/OUTCALL, Myrtle Beach)
(sumter)BeAuTiFuL SeXy GiRl in ToWn HOT InDePeNdeNT- Alw@ys N@ughty!!(40 rose special) - 23
(Columbia, Columbia,sumter(incall only))
Seductive Playful Professional Discreet Out Calls Only 24/7 - 23
(Columbia, Harbison/ Piney Grove/ Greystone)
SLiPPERY DRiPPERY PeTiTe bOOtiE fReaK-> after 1am 25-30 late specials!! - 23
(Columbia, TwO nOtCh rD-iNCALLs OnLY)
♡♥♡♥sexy red head is ready to play! once you get a ttaste of Rachel you will never be the same!!♡♥♡♥ - 25
(Columbia, columbia (bush river rd area))
Satisfying and Unrushed Time With a Sexy Woman
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, Myrtle Beach, hotel room)
~~~~~~~ SEXY "JEWELS" is BACK by POPULAR DeMaND with SpEcIaLs starting @ 60!!!!!! ~~~~~~ - 38
Sexy Sweet Soft Red & Delicious Georgian Peach availble 24/7 $Pecial$ On In/out Call $pecial$ - 20
(Columbia In/out)
Professional discreet Svc With No Wait & No Rush Out Calls Available 24/7 - 23
(Columbia, Greystone/ Piney Grove/ Harbison/Lexingt)
SEXXY SO §€duct¡V€ €xØtiC /§€N§UÂL 💚¸.·´¯*💋 BiG BØØTY F®e@k 💋·.¸¯*💚KiLLER MoUtH - 23
(Columbia, incalls only)
Read Ad🤓40qv ⏳L👀K ❤️I LoVe WhAt I Do & yOu WiLL tO💄💋 CaTcH Me If YoU CaN😍 AmAzInG SnOwBuNny👯 - 26
(Columbia, Piney grove I26 ext 104 leaving Thursday)
Professional Discreet With No Rush And No Wait I'm Available For Out Calls - 23
(Columbia, Harbison/ Greystone/ Piney Grove)
(¯`PETITE★Big BOOTY Mia (¯`'•.¸ $45SPECIALS(¯`'•.¸HAPPY☆ NEW¸.•YEARS'´Leaving LATER Gentlemen Only - 19
(Columbia, Greystone blvd Upscale Hotel incalls)
OutnAbout in Columbia, CAROLINA GIRL Ready to Brighten Your Day and Your Room, Need a Woman's Touch? - 35
(Columbia, greystone or your place)
♡★☆♥SeXy MixEd ReDBoNE. .early AM SpEcialS♥♡☆★ in/outcalls only till ♥♡ - 24
(Columbia, very discreet upscaled (greystone))
☆☆★★ Redbone Petite Ready!!!! $40,$60,100 ♡♡ - 22
(Columbia, west columbia sc/ airport blvd in&out;)
👠Real 😍ChOcolate 🍫👠DREAM 💋BuSTY🍒 SeXy 👸JUICY👄 FR3AK🍭🍓💋→44DD 👄💦🍆 Lovely👅DimplEs😮 - 25
(Columbia, Incalls St. Andrews n local outs)
•*★*• {(•PLaYFuL• *SeXy* •EXOTIC•)} •*★*• {(•$100 SpEciALs! •$100)} 38DDD's - 21
(Columbia, TWO NOTCH RD)
🌺PreTty 👑pRetTY 🌸pLeaSe🍀 WitH 💎SuGaR🍩 oN💣 ToP🍄 8O3🍆 999 🔔8573🐼 cAlL🌴 NoW💲 - 25
P H A T . w e t t t t t && T I G H T🚰🚰💦 S U MT E R SPLZ - 21
(Columbia, Sumter Sumter SUMTER !!!! UP ALL NIGHT)
OrAnGeBuRg💋🎀💋 YoUr ULTIMATE🎀💋 EROTIC 💋 SoUtHeRn Belle💋💋.ღ. HiGHLY SkiLLEd .ღ⇗. 💞 - 26
(Columbia, Orangeburg_INCALLS)